


Power of female, fear or being identified as a woman;


Where I am going to express my natural instincts?

General Meanings:

Inner talents There are several meanings when dreaming of menstruation. The main explanation of the dream foretells about creative side of personality. This means that from simple materials the dreamer can create amazing creatures. The dream also opens the secret of life – how and where it starts.

Fear If the woman dreams of menstruation or menopause, then such a dream shows the fear of the end of active life and also the promise of new life without burdens (eg without children). Menstruation can also signify the fear of the end of sexual life.

Psychological Meanings:

Different sides Because menstruation is such a central part in the life of a woman it symbolizes the acceptance of their unfolding sexuality. For a man to dream of menstruation, signifies his feminine side of personality. It might show that the sensual sides are not explored enough, therefore the dreamer suffers being as a woman in a dream.

Spiritual Meanings:

On the spiritual level, the dream symbolizes menstruation as a circle of life and all that is puzzling in is mysterious in the matter of women.

Traditional Meanings:

European (Judeo-Christian)

The menstruation in dreams represents the release, which means that the dreamer is in the state of the mind where feels relaxed and loosen. The dream shows that all worries that were disturbing you are left behind. Consider that the dream might show that you are trying to avoid the femininity within yourself.

  • Anxiety if the period (menstruation) hasn’t started yet – if the dreamer saw herself having a menstruation, but in reality it hasn’t started yet, then such a dream signifies that you are worrying about the period being late or not knowing if it will show up at all;
  • Take things slowly if you are pregnant and dreaming of menses – for a woman who is pregnant dream of menstruation is a warning of the danger, which means that she has to look after herself more careful;
  • Suggestion to move forward if dream of blood or menstruation – for a dreamer to see herself having a period or bleeding out from vagina for no reason denotes to jamming in the past, which means that the dreamer is looking more to the past and things that happened instead of living the life at the present and moving to the future.

Hindu (Hinduism)

  • The man will do something bad if he has menses – for a man to have menstruation signifies evil things he will do in the future as biologically it is impossible to have menstruation.

Arabian (Islamic)

Menstruation in Islamic dream interpretation have several meanings. Mostly it is explained as the obstruction, but sometimes it has a good meaning such as riches and/or wealthy life.

  • The work will be destroyed if the wife is menstruating – such a dream shows that everything that the dreamer will do will be wiped out;
  • Will decline the Islamic religion if the man has menses and is bleeding – there is a possibility that the dreamer will feel apart from God, therefore he will not be religious as he used to be;
  • Will receive money if women if having her period – for a woman to dream of having her menses signifies the riches she will obtain in the future;
  • Will lose the innocence if child dreams of period – for a child to start bleeding and/or have menstruation signifies the virginity that will be taken away;
  • Success in all matters if the menses were washed away – if the dreamer washed away the blood after realizing that he/she has the menstruations, promises happiness in all matters in the life;
  • Marriage if young girl has suffered from menstruation – for a girl that is almost teenager or already a teenager having blood in her dream denotes that soon she will get married to someone;
  • Death if and old woman has menses – for an old lady who is dreaming of having menstruation has a bad omen, which means that she will die soon, as in reality old woman has no longer suffering bleeding out of vagina at that time of the age.

Medicine Wheel Meanings:


moon time; flow of bleeding; crystality; clearness; blood; femininity; thin wall between the worlds; connection with great spirit.


Menstruation is the periodic discharge of blood and mucosal tissue from the vagina and uterus. For many centuries the bleeding of woman represented a very strong connection with the energy from the earth. The visions and the dreams those women had were accepted as very prognostic for the future.

General Meaning

The acceptation that the female who is used to be a girl is take a new phase in the life and becoming a woman who is having menstruation periodically and is able to give a birth and become a mother.

Transcendent Meaning

The gift of vision, which means that the dreamer is able to see things that nobody else sees;

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